There are just some days where you feel sick, fatigued, or weak. Apart from rest and proper treatment, your body will surely benefit from meditation, particularly meditation for healing.
Try this meditation to help heal the body and revitalize your energy.
Find a comfortable seated position on your chair, cushion, or yoga mat. Start by sitting tall, grounding your sitting bones down, and lengthening the neck and the crown of the head up towards the ceiling. When you are ready to begin your meditation practice, close your eyes.
Begin by noticing the weight and the shape of your body. Feel the contact of your body against the earth, and simply trace the outline of your body from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. Notice how the body feels, observing sensations of pain or discomfort, feelings of heaviness or lightness, or any tightness and fatigue. If you feel under the weather or sick, notice where the unwellness is coming from.
Now, let go of those observations and move to the breath. Inhale and exhale naturally, paying attention to the rhythm of your breath. As your eyes remain closed, begin to visualize the breath more concretely. Imagine the breath, perhaps as light blue or silvery waves, entering your body, travelling through your lungs, and across your entire body. These waves carry with them healing energy.
Continue to visualize this healing energy, allowing it to heal the body restore your bones, muscles, nerves, and cells. Allow this energy to revitalize you from within, until it has touched each part of your body. Bring to attention the areas that feel sick, weak, or unwell, letting this healing energy—this life force—heal them. If you would like to, let that energy linger, perhaps forming a whirlpool of light around those areas. Feel yourself grow stronger and more invigorated.
When you are ready, let go of that image and simply return to your breath and your body. Feel yourself stronger and more invigorated. When you feel that your meditation is complete, open your eyes. Remember that you can go back to this meditation anytime you feel like your body is in need of healing.