Most people don’t understand just how much the toxic chemicals in their daily lives are affecting their health. This is also the case with the chemicals in cleaners that people use in their homes all the time.
Chemicals in toxic household cleaners have been linked to lung disease and asthma, and exposing yourself, your pets and your children to them on a regular basis can be extremely harmful.
Spray cleaners are to be especially avoided, as they can linger in the air for hours after being used. Harsh bleaches, soap scum removers and kitchen cleaners can also penetrate your skin on contact, causing adverse effects.
It’s important to use the natural cleaners for everyday spills, messes and maintenance cleaning, even if you use the chemical cleaners for once-in-a-while deep cleans.
While you may be intimidated by the process of making natural cleaners or might think they will not work as well, rest assured that these natural cleaning recipes from Simply Self Storage are easy to use and effective.
Many of the ingredients in safe, non-toxic cleaner recipes can already be found in most homes. Things like baking soda, vinegar and water can help you keep your home clean and bright—naturally!
Originally posted on June 4, 2018 @ 11:00 am