Intentions are powerful, and the universe is always listening to them. Below is a meditation to help you send your intentions to the universe.
For this meditation, start by writing down an intention on a piece of paper or on a notebook. This intention can be anything you’d like to manifest—whether it’s money, a job promotion, or even a relationship. Then, find a comfortable seated position.
Sit down in an upright position. Root your hips down onto the mat, then lengthen your spine up to the ceiling. Allow your shoulders to relax, and allow your jaw to be soft. Breathe in and out naturally.
After you’ve gotten in touch with your breath, visualize your crown chakra. Imagine a violet light surrounding the crown of your head like a halo. Then, imagine this light extending up towards the ceiling, into the sky, and up into the stars.
Once you feel that you’ve connected to the universe, repeat your intention to yourself. Next, hear the intention in your mind, and communicate this intention to the universe. Trust that the universe is listening.
Next, start to imagine your intention as if it were already made possible, already made real in your life. Imagine as if this intention were right in front of you. If you are manifesting a relationship, for example, imagine as if your loved one were already with you.
Fill yourself with positive feelings. Trust that the universe is working in your favor! Imagine that you’ve already received what you want—how does it feel? Allow yourself to feel happy, grateful, and abundant.
Allow your visualization to be very vivid. Moreover, allow these emotions to spread across your body. Let your imagination and emotions run free!
When you are ready to end your meditation, let go of any images that you may be visualizing. Acknowledge that vibrant light connecting you to the universe, then let go of that image as well.
Finally, come back into your body by feeling the weight of your body against the earth. Wiggle your fingers and your toes. Breathe. Take a few moments to come back into the present. Then, open your eyes.