Last week, we touched on the subtle body and explored the root chakra. For this week’s meditation, we will focus on the sacral or svadhisthana chakra. Balancing your sacral chakra entails connecting with your emotions, harnessing your creativity, and simply expressing yourself more openly.
The sacral chakra is located at the level of your lumbar spine. It expands across your hips and the reproductive area. Also, we associate the sacral chakra with sexuality and sexual health.
It is also associated with the color orange, and when the sacral chakra is open and balanced, one becomes attuned with their emotions and desires. Conversely, when your sacral chakra is inactive or imbalanced, one can often feel ruled by pleasure and overindulgent, or (on the other extreme) a lack of libido.
Below is a meditation to help you access, connect with, and move towards balancing your sacral chakra:
For this meditation, lie down and open up your hips in butterfly pose. Then, support your low back with a pillow, and support your knees with yoga blocks. Place your hands on your hips. Next, notice how the hips feel.
As you focus your attention on your hips, check in for any tightness, discomfort, or areas of fatigue. Is there a particular area that calls out to you? This is a good time to also reflect on your relationship with your hips–do you spend your days seated and unmoving, leaving the hips tight? Do you criticize their appearance? Do your hips often feel unstable?
Instead of judging, simply observe these thoughts and reflections. Then, start to connect to your sacral chakra. Begin to visualize a soft yet vibrant orange wheel at the center of your hips. Allow that orange wheel to whirl and glow. Feel it spread across your lower body, from your lower back to your entire hip girdle.
As this orange wheel expands and grows, feel your hips soften. Allow your hips to be filled with vitality. Imagine this wheel of light. Then, trust that this light will heal any creative blockages and freeing you of any emotional turmoil.
Then, slowly repeat to yourself: I am creative. I am expressive. I am free of any negative thought patterns. Continue to repeat that statement to yourself, for as long as you’d like. Focus on what each word means to you, and allow each sentence to fill you with joy.
When you are ready to end your meditation, slowly let go of the image of this orange wheel. If you’re in butterfly pose, lift your knees and close them together. Come into constructive rest. Breathe and relax.
Wiggle your fingers and your toes. Then, come back to your body. Breathe slowly and deeply. Open your eyes.