Sciatica is a condition triggered by the compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Individuals with sciatica can experience a sharp pain that shoots from the lower back down to the back of the leg. Yoga can help relieve sciatic pain and improve the overall health of your nerves and spine. Here are 4 yoga poses for sciatic pain.
Yoga Poses for Sciatic Pain
1. Wind Relieving Pose
You can do this pose in bed or on a yoga mat. Beginning lying down, gently bring one knee to the chest. You can stay here, or you can bring the other knee to the chest. Hug your arms around your knees, and rock from side to side.
Wind Relieving Pose helps relieve the back of the hips and the lower back. It gives your lower spine a nice massage. Stay here for a minute. Don’t forget to hug the other knee in and perform the pose on the opposite side if you only brought one knee to the chest!
2. Child’s Pose
From a seated position, bring your toes together and your knees wide apart. Rest your belly on your thighs and stretch your arms forward. Soften your forehead against the mat.
You can also bring your bed or your mat closer to you by putting a pillow or bolster underneath your belly.
3. Pigeon Pose
From your all fours, bring the right knee forward and lower the right shin down. Soften the left thigh down to the mat. You can use a yoga block or a pillow to pad your outer right hip, especially if you can’t get your hip to touch your bed or your mat.
You can stay upright, and simply press your hip down onto the floor. Alternatively, you can fold forward. Either way, Pigeon Pose is a hip opener that helps stretch out the outer glutes. It can be very helpful when recovering from sciatic pain. Perform this pose on the other side after a few minutes of holding.
4. Supta Padangusthasana
For this pose, you will need a yoga strap. Lie down on your mat and bring your right knee into your chest. Loop your yoga strap around the ball of your right foot. Flex your right foot, so that the right heel is facing the sky and your toes are brought to your face.
You’ll feel a stretch in your hamstrings, lengthening out the back of the leg and releasing the nerves, muscle fibers, and tissues that run along that area. Stay here for a few minutes, before switching to the other side.